In 2006 I was suddenly introduced to the haunting community. I submitted my 2005 video to http://halloweenpropmaster.com for their DVD set and ended up winning 2 Haunt X convention awards: "Best Home Haunt" and "Halloween Enthusiast of the Year". What a crazy thing to find out that there are sooo many people out there that are way into Halloween. I now regularly frequent the "Haunt-L" list and am a member of my local haunters group the "Rocky Mountain Gathering".

Me accepting my awards. Thanks!!

Anyway for 2006 I re-filmed my skeleton video that I lost from 2004, and re-added him. Also I added a new song for the pumpkins "Jack-O-Lantern".

Here I am filming the skeleton

So anyway, due to my new found "fame" I ended up on my local news. Here is a link to that video: (they have removed this video. I am working on posting a copy...

This year we again haunted our workplace "Brooks Automation" for the trick-or-treaters that come by every year on afternoon. There are quite a few haunters that work at my software company, so we got together and made this haunt.

Here is a special bonus video not available anywhere else of me performing the pumpkins late into the night and slowly going crazy. I can still feel that stuff on my teeth and it makes me shiver!!! I'll probably do it again for next year though, so I might as well get used to it.